What do we offer?


preperus wants to offer personalized services, focused on the 4 areas of preparation that we propose, with very clear bases:
  • Discretion is essential throughout the process.
  • The home is the first and main refuge for “our people”.
  • The list of “our people” can be broader than the family nucleus
  • Any existing home can be prepared and improved.
  • A densely populated urban environment is potentially worse than a depopulated rural environment
  • A marine, aquatic or flood-prone environment is worse than a mountainous, rocky and inland environment.
  • People's movements are critical moments and in them the danger increases due to being in a changing, open and uncertain environment.
  • The minimum preparations must focus on being able to cover the universal basic needs of “our people” in a time period.
  • Any action will be adapted to each home, inhabitants and the environment

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