
COVID and confinement have put us to the test as a society... and made us reflect...
And doubts, concerns, questions, fears arose... followed by the beginning of a question...
What would happen if...?
the electricity supply failed? the GPS system went down? the Internet stopped working? the mobile network failed? the police did not work? people went hungry? people had no homes? people got sick? people stopped believing in the system? the State went bankrupt?
Perhaps it is time to prepare for what may happen...
Natural disasters, pandemics, plagues, famine, death, wars, migrations and their effects on the planet and the human race are known and have been repeated periodically since time immemorial... and they always COME BACK, to catch us by surprise...
We thought that the human capacity to dominate and control the environment was almost divine and all-powerful... but it is not.
A virus, something microscopic, has been able to paralyze and frighten the world, people and the economy... it has locked us at home, the economy has stopped, it has limited our movements and conditioned our way of living.
What we are proposing is not alarmist... it is realistic. Because it has already happened and is happening... we just think it will not happen to us...
What we are proposing is not a preparation for the end of the world... but rather how to improve our response capacity to events that are dangerous to the health, safety and life of our loved ones...
If we think about it, it is like taking out life insurance for life.
We offer personalized preparation services for our loved ones...

What do we offer?

Why prepperus?

prepperus, as an idea, was born during the COVID pandemic in the face of the surprise, the lack of preparation of society against a virus, and the difficulties for the state to respond to the needs of people and the economy.
These are the periods of "normality", in which we should prepare for when something happens again that conditions our way of life, the health and safety of our loved ones.
prepperus proposes different areas of preparation, adapted to each reality of our potential clients, with solid, discreet, common sense proposals and accompaniments.
prepperus wants to offer personalized services, focused on the 4 areas of preparation that we propose, with very clear bases:
  • Discretion is basic throughout the process.
  • The home is the first and main refuge for "ours".
  • The list of "ours" can be broader than the family nucleus
  • Any existing home can be prepared and improved. A densely populated urban environment is potentially worse than a sparsely populated rural environment
  • A marine, aquatic or flood-prone environment is worse than a mountainous, rocky or inland environment.
  • People's movements are critical moments and the danger increases due to being in a changing, open and uncertain environment.
  • The minimum preparations must focus on being able to cover the universal basic needs of "our people" in a time period.
  • Any action will be adapted to each home, inhabitants and the environment

Why prepperus?
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